Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Took Pictures

There are days when I decide to learn something, and today is the day when I decide to learn to take photograph...

Leica is the best to learn with, so I can have strong basic in photography. Well thats what my photography teacher said. He said learning with manual camera is better than learning with digital, since I have never learned photography in my life, so I have no power but to follow exactly what he said,

As a first timer, I went out outdoor and see what I could do with the camera. With little knowledge that I've received from him, I took picture of the branches and trees I could see from my house. I think I did some mistake on the focus, but slowly I could develop to deal with it...or should I say "I wish it's not out of focus". Since it was a manual camera, so the result will remain a mystery until I've finished one roll.

I've been wanting to learn photography in long time,because I've always thought that pictures is somewhat magical. You can have a piece of your memory before it's completely gone. We only live in a moment, It is hard to unlock the meaning of that famous quote we've heard many times. But it is true. The easiest example is when you try to remember about your childhood, when you're a kid seems like it takes forever until you're a teenager. But now you're all grown up with job and different life. And all of those moment you've spent on your life, it's all gone. You're here right now. In this year, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Not an hour ago, not an hour later. But now, and everything behind you has leave you in a speed you couldn't possibly imagine.

Like my dearest friend always said...time flies, so do I want to keep a piece of my life? "yes"

And the only magical tool the genius has ever invented was 'camera' not time machine, maybe not yet. But for now, it's a camera.

In my opinion, I think I'm quite fortunate to learn how to use it . My photography teacher said,

"Learning photography is like piecing a puzzle, if you try to understand just one bits of each part, you wont get it...because every bits of puzzle is like a key that holds one picture was all connected. If you know how to connect them, then you will understand"

As interesting as it may sound, taking a picture with manual is actually not easy. It makes you feel nervous. You would guess, how is it going to look like! You get butterflies every time you feel like you did a mistake. It's kind of an adventure. A little tense and makes you appreciate the greatness of all great photographer in the past before digital was invented. It's not like I disagree with digital, all I'm saying is there's some kind of a thrill you could not get from taking pictures with digital.

God, I'm so excited with this photography stuff and it makes it so obvious to see that I'm a truly amateur haha. It's like I'm a human being who never experience orgasm before (I said it in the most silly way). Feel so happy to finally know what it's like, can't stop telling people about it.
Now I suddenly get this question in my head , "will I be able to take great pictures in near future?"

Deep breath....

I waited but still I have no answer...And sometimes, I feel like I've been taking photograph my whole life...puzzling, processing.

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